College Park

Kai + C4C + Stone Summit + Adidas Outdoors

College Park Recreation & Cultural Arts Department, College Park, GA

Partnering Climbing Gym: Stone Summit

stone summit climbing and fitness center logo


With the help of Climbing 4 Change, Stone Summit, and adidas outdoors, we were able to gift a climbing wall to the College Park Recreation & Cultural Arts Department.

The College Park Recreation & Cultural Arts Department stats:

  • Serves 1000 kids / year
  • Exposed 65 + kids to climbing so far
  • Serves ages 4-16
  • 15 kids have visited Stone Summit climbing gym in Atlanta
  • The wall is used by 65 kids/week

Donors // Collaborators

Get involved – donate to the 1Climb College Park Project below.

Although this project is completed, the future sustainability of each climbing wall is not. Your donation will specifically go towards this climbing wall’s future programing such as maintenance, auto belay recertification, harness and shoe replacement, new holds, and climbing education materials. Thank you for playing a part in introducing 100,000 kids to climbing!